Hi everyone!
I first want to send a huge thank you to all of you who supported Protein Treats by Nicolette. My passion would be non-existence without each and every one of you. There aren't enough words to express my thankfulness to all of you!
This site has brought on a plethora of emotions, mainly joyfulness and fulfillment. I truly love creating delicious recipes to share with the world. Protein Treats by Nicolette began my journey towards recipe development and connected me with endless opportunities that I never thought of in my wildest dreams. I am forever grateful for that.
The research I've immersed myself in over the past several years has opened my eyes to the food industry, sending shockwaves to my brain. These new discoveries pushed me to learn more about true health and wellness. My kids are a massive factor behind my slow transition towards our new way of eating and living. While I do enjoy baking with protein powder, my family and I do not consume it anymore. The kinds of protein powders we do use on occasion are plant-based and as minimally processed as possible.
My main goal now is to offer simple, wholesome, and delicious foods. The meals I now serve to my family mirror my hopes for us to live and grow in complete wellness. I want to prepare food for my family that fosters sustainable well-being and continued prosperity. I rid our home of synthetic protein powders, refined sugars, refined oils, some dairy, and processed ingredients like all-purpose flour, food dye, and stuff I can't even pronounce.
This new transformation within our home prompted me to rebrand myself - I created a new site bought a new domain name. And I'm PUMPED! I feel innately passionate about my latest findings, and I'm going to share it with the world.
I have launched my new website and feel incredibly proud of it. It took a lot of time and learning to develop such a beast. But it's FINALLY HERE!
My two boys love nothing more than to whisk the 3 eggs I use to cook scrambled eggs every single morning. It's a ritual, really. They hold lots of pride when they help whisk whisk whisk. Naturally, considering the memories attached to this specific act of whisking the eggs to create light, fluffy, and airy scrambled eggs, I needed it to be part of my new domain name.
Defined as "the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal." This couldn't be more perfect. Being in a state of good health will always be important to my family and I. And I will always and forever actively pursue good health for my family and me. Also, alliterations make me happy inside.
The new blog, Whisk in Wellness, features a variety of delicious recipes that are made with simple ingredients. No processed shit. No synthetic shit. The recipes I feature and posts I share all encourage good health and overall wellness. Seeking growth through real food, proper nutrition, and small lifestyle adjustments can help one thrive and prosper throughout a lifetime. It's paramount to talk about all of this. And it begins now at www.whiskinwellness.com
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Thank you all again for your continual love & support. I can't wait to begin this new journey with you! I cannot wait to here what you all think. Tell me everything!
✱ Reach out to me via email at nicolette@whiskinwellness.com or click here for the Whisk in Wellness contact form.
✱ Also, please spread the word to friends and family about Whisk in Wellness. Sharing is caring and I'm forever grateful :)